Tensegrity Venn Diagram
The Venn Diagram was created for the Domains Map. However, I do need to personalize the design to reflect the body of my project.
What came first. The action or the word?
I good source to read upon in relationship to the primal meaning of language.
In the begininng was the word… The Question of the Origin of Language in Goethe’s Faust Erik M. Eisel
Also read about the different translation of the John 1:1 In the beginning, the Word existed.
Quotes from Naomi Klein
“We are looking to brands for poetry and for spirituality, because we’re not getting those things from our communities or from each other.”
“When Nike says, just do it, that’s a message of empowerment. Why aren’t the rest of us speaking to young people in a voice of inspiration?”
Comments from Kirwan
Nov. 15 comments from Professor Christopher Kirwan:
“You must stick to the concept of the linguistic structural clustering (Cumulative Conversations). We discussed building text clusters using Syntax or Semantic connectors or a combination. While you are exploring how to do this you are designing rapid prototype visual solutions for how you want the end result to “look and feel”. You will be simultaneously experimenting with the conversation board the you set up in different locations to see how people may interact in an analogue way. Continue to stay focused on the Cumulative Conversation concept.”
Crucial Artists Concepts and Ideas
Works that will further enforce my idea!
ITP work created for the ITP Big Screen!. Texting with narrative…
SimpleText by Jonah Brucker-Cohen
Jonah is key for an interview of technical downsides, upsides and concepts on his project which also relates a lot to mine.
The Apartment by Martin Wattenberg
This precedent is a refreshing idea for it’s visual categorization/interpretation based on a user’s input to the screen.
Also Check out:
Zach L. suggested me to also ask Golan for inquiries on quickly parsing SMS text messages with minimal delay.
Sensa/Sans/Sin/Non-Technological work
Prototypes > User Testing > Presentations
Schedule PDF here: Textsegrity Plan
Questions and Answers for user testing
The following was TEXTSEGRITY interface user testing. Test date: October 30, 2008.
1. Was the text to screen instructions immediately understandable?
User 1: not immediately. wasn’t sure if there was a “key word” needed to activate project.
User 2: yes
User 3: NO! too small not enough instruction
User 4: Very simple + clear
User 5: yes
User 6: It was a little confusing. Might be better to say “text the moon” than “text at the moon”?
2. Was the subject matter motivating for you to text?
User 1: if i were a werewolf! – or @ a Halloween party. Context is important -> ps. the image is awesome! so clear!
User 2: I guess so.
User 3: NO I don’t get it, why we have to txt to the moon
User 4: Yes
User 5: yes
User 6: It’s very seasonal. especially cause tomorrow’s halloween. Would be cool to have different subject matters for different occasions/events
3. Was it revealing that the collected texts were intended to create a unified conversation?
User 1: no. didn’t understand why there were 8 needed & not sure what image they were making when lined up on left. seemed arbitrary.
User 2: They seemed only loosely related
User 3: Conversation of confusion
User 4: Yes
User 5: yes
User 6: Not entirely. But as more texts are displayed. I assume there will be more and more reactionary texts that then create a conversation. It was a little odd to have the input stop at 8 though.
4. Did you find yourself interacting/talking to other people around you in regards with the screen’s subject matter?
User 1: A lot of ooo’s and ahhhs! not much deeper than that.
User 2: No
User 3: not much but potential
User 4: No, but then again I’m a jerk
User 5: yes
User 6: No.
5. What design/concept improvements would you suggest for this type of interaction?
User 1: if this were to be a single conversation or narrative -> image(s) needs to relate to a narrative more closely. / maybe the texts make up a halloween image or some other image in keeping with the theme.
User 2: More specific instructions or more inspirational imaging in shocking?
User 3: More instruction and explanation to the user what we need to do to achieve what? / seasonal theme is a good idea.
User 4: Better moon image
User 5: I texted, but it didn’t show on the screen (?)
User 6: Clearer instructions & longer interactions.
Screenshot of the interaction results:
User testing movie preview:
Presentation and Critique V
Critique V:
Look into Games – MadLibs!
Questions to consider: How does it maintain interest. Where is it and Why?
Engage with participants more. Humor and relation with the public would make my project more effective.
Buckminster Fuller. Lets get a book on Bucky…
Prototype downsides:
– Text cut-off
– Overlapping text obstruct legibility.
Talk to Phillip and Dan Provost about their thesis idea. There are commonolities among our ideas.
– Have stronger questions for the thesis. Not enough questions were addressed during the presentation.
Presentation V (midterm). Download pdf here.
Presentation and Critique IV
A brief presentation on possible 3d sources for development on my prototype.
While 3D may be a visually seductive element, it may obstruct legibility factor in text to screen interaction. 3D sources might be worth testing but I must be well aware of its downsides.