
Mobile-Related Precedents – // Updated list: Nov. 12, 2008

  1. Artists Using SMS // ***  Thanks Katie for this link! *** //
  2. Text to Screen through Email
  3. NFC Smart Panel
  4. SMS Guerilla texter
  5. DI Interactive Wall

Non- Cell phone related Precedents

  1. Wall Era
  2. Laser Tag
  3. MultiTouch Music Wall


  1. TwelvePixels
  2. Paul Notzold and the Textual Healing project.
  3. SMS Chatwall
  4. Text Marketer Ltd
  5. Digital Signage Forums
  6. Media Online and Publishing Agency – UK
  7. FireText

Artistic/Animation Style

  1. Calicoelectrónico
  2. Pucca
  3. Happy Tree Friends


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