Interactive Animation – AgentTito
New concept for my summer thesis idea!
* An interactive narrative as a means to teach and entertain the user an idea through means of comedy, interaction and animated characters.
Using the cellphone as the portable remote controller.
- Optional use of the mobile phone enables installations to be interactive without the need to provide the user with a remote controller or direct interaction with the screen.
- Why? Some installations are meant not to be touched and therefore preventing damage or physical upkeep.
- Technique can be used to be displayed during a store’s closing hours and provide further interaction even during a store’s inactivity.
- Technique can also be used to be exposed to an audience through a projector and still provide interaction.
Interactive Narrative (Entertainment / Arts )
- Animation with user enabled interaction.
- Timeline animation leads to “choose your path” scenes. User has a choice for a character’s path.
- Cartoon and Humor style will be used to promote a friendly, positive and memorable experience.
- To teach and communicate the user through an interactive-narrative game.
- Through animated cartoons and interaction a positive message will be taught and transmitted
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