Links and Sources for Research

  1. Learning Through Play, Love and Sensory Experience
  2. The Effectiveness of animation in TV Commercial
  3. Parsons MFA DT 2008 Thesis Research (CiteULike group)
  4. The Future of Music: Cellphone as Ipod, Virtual Concerts and a Great Jukebox in the Sky
  5. E-Book about the Mobile Virtual Work

Importance of cell phones and SMS text

  1. Tech Products
  2. Cell phones plug Africa’s poor into mobile banking
  3. Communities Dominate Brands
  4. AT&T Wireless and American Idol Set global Records in Text Messaging; AT&T Wireless..

Interactive Animation – AgentTito

New concept for my summer thesis idea!

* An interactive narrative as a means to teach and entertain the user an idea through means of comedy, interaction and animated characters.

Agent Tito

Agent Tito


Using the cellphone as the portable remote controller.

  1. Optional use of the mobile phone enables installations to be interactive without the need to provide the user with a remote controller or direct interaction with the screen.
  2. Why? Some installations are meant not to be touched and therefore preventing damage or physical upkeep.
  3. Technique can be used to be displayed during a store’s closing hours and provide further interaction even during a store’s inactivity.
  4. Technique can also be used to be exposed to an audience through a projector and still provide interaction.

Interactive Narrative (Entertainment / Arts )

  1. Animation with user enabled interaction.
  2. Timeline animation leads to “choose your path” scenes. User has a choice for a character’s path.
  3. Cartoon and Humor style will be used to promote a friendly, positive and memorable experience.


  1. To teach and communicate the user through an interactive-narrative game.
  2. Through animated cartoons and interaction a positive message will be taught and transmitted

Project Plans Edit

The new remote controller

The cellphone remote controller
a. Who the project is for?
– Broadcasters
– People who want a public form of debate.
– Public debaters
– Age group will depend on the topic of debate
b. What it is?
– Cellphone to screen interaction
– Urban platform for on-screen forum based on images / video
c. How it works
– Cellphone text commands controls screen events

public broadcaster

public broadcaster

Summer thesis development

Welcome to my thesis site. Here I will develop my idea for “Cellphone to screen interaction”. (This is a re-post from July 11, 2008. ~ The blog site was running some problems and needed a fresh start. Project Plans