Presentation II

This presentation was informally sent to Kirwan through email since there was not a formal class due to Kirwan’s meeting in Dubai….  Download Presentation II pdf.

Prototype I

SMS Jukebox

A Jukebox interface controlled through SMS text commands. This projected screen system is intended for environments such as bars, clubs or social events. In scenarios like these, playback control through your cell phone becomes practical.



Further considerations for this prototype involve adding a queue list for song requests sent by an audience’s SMS text commands. The queue list will play in order of popularity rather than order of incoming SMS text commands.

Critique 1

1. Map out time and space spectrum in my project.
2. Identify the Linear and Non-linear interaction
3. Map out more precedents
4. Define what is “social” in a space.

“1 and 2 for example are very abstract.”

“What is the thesis”?

Experiment with the language aspects of the project.

one to one, one to many.

Advantages of the technology.

Possibilities of expanding on texting language and dialogue.

Presentation 1

The summer presentation is available as an attached pdf. The functional prototype is not available online…

Summer Presentation pdf

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