Exquisitext – in class prototyping

“The Things We Love” is a test topic to study content that can be generated from a title that cues for a topic that relates to ~feelings~.

Exquisitext in class prototyping

The following image is a capture of an Exquisite Text exercise done in class. 02.20.09

A set of rules were posted in the board in which the participants had to compose phrases in the order of: Adjective, Noun, Verb, Adjective, Noun.

If this were to be translated into a digital interface I would have the last two words of each phrase uncovered to create a new composition. For example: Shyly Home Understand this! Smart People. Get It! Stay Pink. Blue Poop. the sea. in Vegas! flamingo babies.

Crucial Artists Concepts and Ideas

Works that will further enforce my idea!

P.Life V2 by Che-Wei Wang

ITP work created for the ITP Big Screen!. Texting with narrative…

SimpleText by Jonah Brucker-Cohen

Jonah is key for an interview of technical downsides, upsides and concepts on his project which also relates a lot to mine.

The Apartment by Martin Wattenberg

This precedent is a refreshing idea for it’s visual categorization/interpretation based on a user’s input to the screen.

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JJ Golan Levin

Zach L. suggested me to also ask Golan for inquiries on quickly parsing SMS text messages with minimal delay.