Exquisitext – in class prototyping

“The Things We Love” is a test topic to study content that can be generated from a title that cues for a topic that relates to ~feelings~.

Exquisitext in class prototyping

The following image is a capture of an Exquisite Text exercise done in class. 02.20.09

A set of rules were posted in the board in which the participants had to compose phrases in the order of: Adjective, Noun, Verb, Adjective, Noun.

If this were to be translated into a digital interface I would have the last two words of each phrase uncovered to create a new composition. For example: Shyly Home Understand this! Smart People. Get It! Stay Pink. Blue Poop. the sea. in Vegas! flamingo babies.

Questions and Answers for user testing

The following was TEXTSEGRITY interface user testing. Test date: October 30, 2008.

1. Was the text to screen instructions immediately understandable?

User 1: not immediately. wasn’t sure if there was a “key word” needed to activate project.
User 2:
User 3: NO! too small not enough instruction
User 4: Very simple + clear
User 5: yes
User 6: It was a little confusing. Might be better to say “text the moon” than “text at the moon”?

2. Was the subject matter motivating for you to text?

User 1: if i were a werewolf! – or @ a Halloween party. Context is important -> ps. the image is awesome! so clear!
User 2: I guess so.
User 3: NO I don’t get it, why we have to txt to the moon
User 4: Yes
User 5: yes
User 6: It’s very seasonal. especially cause tomorrow’s halloween. Would be cool to have different subject matters for different occasions/events

3. Was it revealing that the collected texts were intended to create a unified conversation?

User 1: no. didn’t understand why there were 8 needed & not sure what image they were making when lined up on left. seemed arbitrary.
User 2: They seemed only loosely related
User 3: Conversation of confusion
User 4: Yes
User 5: yes
User 6: Not entirely. But as more texts are displayed. I assume there will be more and more reactionary texts that then create a conversation. It was a little odd to have the input stop at 8 though.

4. Did you find yourself interacting/talking to other people around you in regards with the screen’s subject matter?

User 1: A lot of ooo’s and ahhhs! not much deeper than that.
User 2: No
User 3: not much but potential
User 4: No, but then again I’m a jerk
User 5: yes
User 6: No.

5. What design/concept improvements would you suggest for this type of interaction?

User 1: if this were to be a single conversation or narrative -> image(s) needs to relate to a narrative more closely.  / maybe the texts make up a halloween image or some other image in keeping with the theme.
User 2: More specific instructions or more inspirational imaging in shocking?
User 3: More instruction and explanation to the user what we need to do to achieve what? / seasonal theme is a good idea.
User 4: Better moon image
User 5: I texted, but it didn’t show on the screen (?)
User 6: Clearer instructions & longer interactions.

Screenshot of the interaction results:

User testing movie preview:

Text at the Moon Interaction